Excel's Dedication to Safety

Benji DeMotte


Excel Coaches Going the Extra Mile for Safety!

USA Swimming requires that all registered Swimming Coaches must hold at least a “Safety for Swim Coaches” certification. This class is a watered down version of lifeguard training and while it assures that coaches are aware of the basics in rescue techniques, it is not as extensive as lifeguard training, nor would it make coaches eligible for hire as a lifeguard.

This past weekend, our Brentwood coaches (and one of our officials) took their attention to safety one step further as ALL our full time staff completed the Lifeguard Training Certification. While the training took up the whole weekend, our dedication to providing the absolute safest environment possible made the long days worthwhile. We are proud to be the only club in the LSC that has taken this step as we continue to offer the very best atmosphere for our athletes. 


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